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Archive for the ‘Healing Foods’ Category

M.D. Persecuted for Treating Cancer Patients with Natural Treatments

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veggiesMr. Russell sat sprawled across Dr. Mitchell’s desk bleeding from the nose and mouth. His surgeon had given him two months to live. He half sat, half laid there; crying.

“I felt like crying too,” Dr. Mitchell told me, as he related the incident. “The radiation and chemotherapy had caused him to bleed from the nose, mouth, and rectum. He was in a lot of pain.”

The cancer had blocked his colon, and metastasis permeated to the liver and kidneys. Surgery had unblocked the colon so that he could function for a while, but really, medical science gave him little hope.

“I can’t treat you any more,” the surgeon had told him. He let him know that he need not come back to see him. He could just go home and die in peace. No wonder he was crying.

“My father has colon cancer,” his son said. Then came the question from the trembling lips of a man who was being murdered from the inside – “Can you help me?”

From his busy schedule as a minister, his son, Pastor Russell had brought his dad to a doctor whom he had only heard of by word of mouth. What butterflies were in his stomach as he drove through the busy traffic to the office in Orlando’s east side! What groans and prayers were going through his own boson as he talked with the doctor; as he looked down at the dear one in the chair – dying!

“Will you do exactly what I tell you,” Dr. Mitchell asked?

I’ll do anything,” came the sob.

“Will you promise me that you won’t tell your Doctor?”


There were good reasons for this last question. Number one, its not ethical for one doctor to take over treatment from another unless the patient is referred. There was no referral. The surgeon had told him that he need not return; but, just the same – no referral. As far as the head echelon of medicine at the hospital was concerned, he was given up to die. Also, Mr. Russell was in his upper seventies. A younger man may have been treated longer.

But the main reason Dr. Mitchell asked the question is that what he was about to do for this poor man was unethical as far the A.M.A. and the State Medical Board was concerned. He could lose his license! Though modern medicine had given up on Mr. Russell, if a medical doctor used “unusual” procedures to try to save him, he would be “out”. Whimsical treatments; diet or natural remedies, used by a professional instead of the “accepted” drugs, would be a bad example for the other M.D.’s. as well as a mockery to the profession. Thus the question, “Will you promise not to tell your doctor?”

The doctor gave him the treatment program, told him to go home, and return in one week. He would return once a week for three months.

Mr. Russell went home and returned the next week. He came into Dr. Mitchell’s office, grabbed and hugged him. “I feel different!” he said excitedly.

“His pain was gone,” Dr. Mitchell said. “There was no depression. He was smiling all over.” Every week he came back during the course of the treatment, feeling like a young man; full of pep and energy.

At the end of three months Mr. Russell went to see his surgeon. “Here I am,” he said, walking into his office.

“You’re still alive?” the surgeon blurted out!

He was so overcome by the youthful appearance of this man who had so recently left his office, dying, he decided to admit him into the hospital and find out what had happened. He gave him the usual tests – colonoscope, scanning X-rays, etc. No cancer!

“I can’t believe this,” the surgeon declared. “I’m going to cut you open.”

“Go right ahead,” Mr. Russell said. Concerning proof – the more the better!

“He was admitted that day. The next morning he was cut open. The colon, liver and kidneys were checked as well as the surrounding areas. No cancer! The unconscious Mr. Russell was sewed back up and wheeled into the recovery room. After he was in his own room and alert, the surgeon came in to give the good news and talk with him before discharge.

All the surgeon could muster was, “It’s just coincidence.”

“Just Coincidence!”

What had Dr. Mitchell given him? What had he told him to do each day? And what had he given twenty-four other people who were still alive but had also been dying from cancer?

The following account given to me from Dr. Mitchell, in his home is the same program he gave to Mr. Russell and in general, the other twenty-four individuals.

THE FIRST WEEK. Dr. Mitchell told Mr. Russell to eat nothing but juice and distilled water. The kind of juice and when it was taken was VERY IMPORTANT! Only freshly juiced fruits and vegetables were to be used; nothing canned or frozen. Only fresh carrots, celery, spinach, lemons, apples, grapes and a good variety of other fruits and vegetables could be used. And only DISTILLED water was to be used!

Every-half-hour during each of the following seven days while he was awake he was to drink. He was not to eat anything! Upon waking he was to take four ounces of carrot juice; a half-hour later, four ounces of water, etc. All day – for seven days, this was to be continued. He was given freedom to choose the kind of juices he drank, except that he was to have at least 30 ounces of carrot juice each day. If water was added to any of the juices, it was to be distilled water. A little salt could be put in the celery juice since he wasn’t diabetic. A little honey could be put in the lemon water but absolutely no sugar was to be used in anything.

Water on the outside of his body was to be used in showers two or three times per day. And during this first week Dr. Mitchell prescribed a coffee enema to help clean out the colon.

Mr. Russell was to get a little exercise – walking – as he was able. He was to go out in the sunshine, breathing deeply now and then. His body was a masterpiece of God’s creation; made of muscle, bone, blood and breath. It was built for performance. He was not to sit and let it rust out from lack of exercise, fresh air and sunshine. His health depended on all these things and especially while fighting cancer.

His mental outlook was very important. Dr. Mitchell told him to play hymns all day long in the background; not jazzy hymns with a beat or any of that easy listening and rock with religious words; but uplifting, holy hymns. He was not to allow any negative thoughts of past, present or future to stay in his mind. He was to think happy, thankful thoughts. He was to educate his mind and lips to speak God’s praise – continually!

Doing this was important for several reasons. No. 1: the above frame of mind brings restfulness. Rest of body, mind and sprit were essential. It is another vital factor in goodhealth. No. 2: This training his mind to constantly praise God developed in him faith or trust.

Dr. Mitchell told me that he could not take one ounce of credit for healing Mr. Russell or any of the other twenty-four people. He knew that it was God and the natural elements in nature employed by God which brought the healing. The doctor told me, “Always smile and pray. Prayer – constant communion with God in praise and thanksgiving drew Mr. Russell close to God. This made Mr. Russell willing to do the complete will of the Creator so that His will could be done in behalf of this sick human being.” Yes, full surrender; total trust in the will of Divinity was a major element for healing.

In summary: Proper nutrition through fresh fruits and vegetable juices. Pure water to drink and clean water to bathe the outside. Exercise – walking; not too far at first, but increasing the distance every day. Where should he do this? Outside in the sunshine and fresh air. The proper amount of sunlight would control more of the body functions than any other element except food. It would dilate the blood vessels, increase circulation and rid the body of toxins. And a dose of fresh air would bring vitality and oxygen which would help destroy disease in the blood. Rest – Mr. Russell was to receive adequate time for sleep. He was to go to bed early and during the day take short periods of rest. He was told to abstain from negative thoughts of from listening and watching anything that would bring such to mind; he should abstain from sugar, refined flour and processed foods; from tobacco, caffeine and other stimulants or any foods and drinks that contain them; flesh foods of any kind – all of it contained saturated fats and cancer germs or elements which break down body tissues and allow cancer to grow in the body; and he was to abstain from all habits which destroy health including eating and sleeping at irregular times. Alcohol and all drugs were also to be eliminated. And last but not least -Trust in Divine Power. This would allow Nature’s Eight Doctors to bring complete restoration and healing.

From the very first week, Dr. Mitchell started giving Mr. Russell vitamins and minerals. Each day he was to take the following and continue throughout the treatment:

400 international units of vitamin D

25,O00 international units of vitamin A (this would be too much for a normal, healthy person)

1400 mg. of calcium

1000 mg. of magnesium

Beginning THE SECOND WEEK he was to start eating solid food – soft at first; such as, apples, bananas, grapefruit, whole wheat bread and whole grain cooked cereals. But there was to be a large variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Dr. Mitchell prescribed only two meals a day and no more! There was to be nothing eaten between meals except distilled water to drink. And his diet was totally vegetarian – no meat, fish, fowl or eggs, dairy products, lard or grease of any kind, no tobacco, alcohol, cola drinks, coffee, tea, or refined flour, sugar or highly processed foods.

This diet as well as the other activities was to continue throughout his lifetime. But once the cancer was gone the high dosage of vitamins and minerals could be stopped.

Dr. Mitchell told me that in essence, what he gave to Mr. Russell and the other cancer

patients was a scientific application of the Eight Natural Remedies as given to the Seventh-day Adventist people by God through His modern-day prophet, Ellen G. White, in the 1860’s. If followed religiously they would not only rid the body of disease but also prevent disease. He told me that at the end of the treatment all of his patients were vegetarians. Another thing he told them was: “If you want to get cancer again, go back to your old ways of living and eating.”

And would you believe! Poor Mr. Russell did go back to his old ways, according to Dr. Mitchell. And he did get cancer again!

It seemed so unbelievable to me that I called Mr. Russell on the telephone and talked to him myself.

He said, “Sure enough! I got it again – about six months ago. But this time it was lung ancer. The doctor wanted to give me the same treatment as before – chemotherapy and radiation. But I would have none of it!”

“No thanks!” I told them. Then he said to me, “I went back to the diet Dr. Mitchell gave me and started doing all those other things.”

“You weren’t cured of cancer the second time were you?” I questioned him, almost holding my breath.

“I sure was!” He declared triumphantly. Then he went on praising and giving glory to God.

Unbelievable! But it was true! I don’t think that anyone has ever experienced it twice and lived. Mr. Russell is now eighty-four and going strong.

Yes, all this seems like a fairy-tale, doesn’t it? Now, why did Dr. Mitchell treat only a total of 25 cancer patients? Isn’t he still helping them? Well, it seems that the State Medical Board forbid Dr. Mitchell to treat anymore patients with cancer. Why?

“I was in my office one day,” Dr. Mitchell related, “when in walked a Medical Board Investigator and commanded that I NOT treat anymore cancer patients. He told me my case was under examination and that my license may be taken away.”

“What happened then?” I asked.

(Before I go on, let me remind you that Dr. Mitchell doesn’t take credit for curing any patient with cancer. He continually gives the credit to God because only the Creator can heal. If anyone has truly been healed, it was God, not any man.)

“Just before I was forbidden to stop taking cancer patients as many as eleven cancer patients would come to my office in one day. When one was cured they would start talking and tell everyone around them. I never advertised anything. They started coming from all over the country!”

“One day a man came to me who was eaten up with lung cancer. He knew that he was dying. I gave him the treatment procedure and told him that he MUST QUIT SMOKlNG. But he didn’t quit. He died. The man’s son went to a lawyer and asked him to sue me for killing his father. The lawyer wouldn’t take the case. So he went to a second but that one wouldn’t accept the case either. He went to a third and this one wouldn’t sue but he told him that if he wanted to hurt me he knew how that could be done.”

This man took down the details and proceeded to seek vengeance for his father’s death. How?

He had been told to get a couple of doctors together and make a complaint to the State Medical Board. The Board controls. They give licenses and take away licenses.

That’s why the Medical Board Investigator was in Dr. Mitchell’s office forbidding him to treat anymore cancer patients. His case was then examined that very month.

While I was talking to Dr. Mitchell he said, “Please pray for me. I’m on probation right now and they still might take my license away.”

This experience has driven Dr. Mitchell closer to God than ever before. In fact, it has brought a lot of changes in his life. His testimony made me think of a gem I had read, “If we trust in Christ, we abide in Christ. The blow that is aimed at us falls upon the Saviour, Who surrounds us with His presence. Nothing can touch us without our Lord’s permission.”

Even before Dr. Mitchell’s case was examined and he was placed on probation he had told me, “I’ve decided to put my practice and my home up for sale, move to some property in the mountains and set up a health conditioning center. I’ll build cottages for the people to stay in. I will allow cancer patients, those with arthritis, heart disease and diabetes to come. I will charge them nothing. I’ll work on a donation basis only. I will keep no records. Then if the A.M.A. comes and asks about the patients I have been treating, I’ll say, ‘I don’t have any patients. I have only guests.’ When they ask to see my records, I’ll say, ‘I don’t have any records.’ If I lose my license, that is what I am going to do and if I don’t lose my license, I’m still going to do it!”

“Praise God!” I said.

Later Dr. Mitchell told me, “They had me on probation four and a half years. I proved to them that the man’s son and the other two doctors were lying. I didn’t lose my license. My probation is over now, but I still cannot treat any cancer patients with this program or my case would be up for review again. Other doctors call the “Nature’s Eight Doctors” ‘NONSENSE!'”

“Does this treatment program work for any type of cancer?” I asked.

“Yes,” he replied. “It also works for heart disease, high blood pressure and numerous other ailments. God does the healing. But if a person deviates in the slightest degree it does not work. A person must follow all eight laws religiously. For instance, REST. The Bible tells us that we are to enter into “His Rest.” (Hebrews 4:1-4. See also Genesis 2:1-3 and Exodus 20:8-12). Rest is more than sleeping regular hours at night and taking short naps during the day. It is more than playing restful hymns during the day and refraining from any type of worry. In the beginning God established a day of rest and He specified which day that should be. Through the centuries man has tried to change God’s laws and set up another day of rest. No where in all Scripture does it say that God’s day of rest was changed from the 7th day of the week, Saturday, to the first day of the week, Sunday. In fact, it is quite the opposite. God tells us that HE DOES NOT CHANGE!

(Hebrews 13:6; James 1:17 and Malachi 3:6). So I tell my patients to make the 7th day, Sabbath, a special day of rest when they worship God alone and spend the day in prayer, meditation and a deeper study of His Word.”

“Have any other cancer patients come to you since you were put on probation?” I asked.

“Not openly. I cannot treat them now. But there was a lady from the Washington D.C. area who somehow was connected with the Cancer Association. She got cancer and was ashamed to tell the organization that she had it. She came down here and asked if I could treat her. She begged me not to tell anyone. Then I knew it would be safe for me to treat her because she was not about to tell anyone that she even had cancer. She found healing.”

At the present Dr. Mitchell’s hands are tied. But he has found some property and is slowly moving toward his goal. May God help him to accomplish his dream so that many might find healing and be restored to health.

In the meantime the only way he can help is by your sharing this story with others. There is no copyright on this so you may copy it and spread it like the leaves of autumn. And pray for the hastening of Dr. Mitchell’s goal.

Source:  Four Winds 10

Let Medicine Be Your Food, and Food Be Your Medicine

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Dr. Tom Wu has earned the “Remarkable Contribution” award from the American Cancer Society and the ‘World Famous Doctor’ award from the United Nations for his breakthroughs with Type 1 & 2 Diabetes and Cancer. His sheer numbers of success with clients are compelling evidence for the notion that common foods, viewed as medicine by Dr. Wu, can heal the worst health challenges.

Over 30 years ago Dr. Tom Wu survived Lung Cancer after the Doctors gave him a prognosis of a few months life remaining. He radically changed his diet and was totally healed. Today at 67 years old he travels to over 23 countries teaching in 5 languages how to use specific “Phytochemical-Rich Foods” for reversing the most serious diseases and also maintaining a state of wellness.

With all our intellectual resources going into “finding a cure” you would think someone would take notice of people who completely reverse breast cancer, pancreatic, lung, and the cancers deemed most difficult to deal with. Would it come as a shock that a Mexican woman in Texas reversed Pancreatic cancer by mixing common fruits, vegetables, and garden herbs in a 3 horsepower blender? The notion that our body contains an army of Macrophages and Natural Killer Cells brings to light how this this possible. Dr. Wu teaches that “turning on” the immune system is the key. Using ONLY dietary principles he has guided great numbers of people, from all over the world in this fashion and the word has finally gotten out. Phytochemical-rich foods hold the key to solving our disease crisis.

With all our advances in modern technology, nothing can duplicate the healing power of photochemical-rich foods. The idea being proposed here is not to have you run out to your nearest health food store and purchase “extracts” of phytochemicals in pill form. One apple has 385 different photochemicals! God has created the optimal spectrum and therefore the solutions to disease are found at the farmers market, not the pill factories.

In a world of fast paced lunches and on the go snacks there is little easier than switching to a high-phytochemical diet of smoothies, salads, and steamed vegetables, beans, and seafood. We are ALL capable of becoming truly healthy when we return our food to its pure state that it once was long ago.

Source:  Oracle 20/20 Magazine

How Controlled Amino Acid Therapy (CAAT) Works

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The objective of CAAT is to alter or impair the development of cancer cells by interfering with the five basic requirements of cell formation (structure, energy, blood vessels, growth hormones and functions). This is accomplished by controlling the intake of the 20 different amino acids. The building blocks of proteins and cells, that the cancer cell requires for formation, growth and function. In essence, amino acids in the form of enzymes and hormones, control literally every chemical reaction that takes place in the cells of the body. (Source, text book, Practical Physiological Chemistry: authors; Harper, Rodwell and Mayes.) Thus, the name Controlled Amino Acid Therapy (CAAT).

1. Structure: It impairs the creation of certain amino acids that are essential to manufacture DNA in cancer cells. Without structure, the cancer cell can not develop.

2. Energy: Increases the daily intake of certain amino acids, and along with its individualized formulation manipulates the two energy systems. The differences between how cells derive their energy explains why the functionality of normal cells will not be affected, and why the shutting off of the energy supply to cancer cells, by inhibiting Glycolysis, results in starving them to death.

3. Blood Vessels: Reduce the body’s daily intake of certain amino acids, which prevents cancer cells from building new blood vessels. Cancer cells require more of certain amino acids because they don’t have a built-in vascular system.

4. Growth Factors: Reduce the over production of proteins that function as growth factors. In addition, almost all cancer cells depend upon several growth factors for their growth and reproduction. For example: the growth hormone is responsible for regulating production. A reduction in the production of the growth hormone inhibits the production of other growth factors, and thereby shuts down the process of cell division, an indirect way of eliminating cancerous cells.

5. Functions: It inhibits production of enzymes and hormones that are essential to their growth, reproduction and metastasis (spreading to other parts of the body).


(Keep in mind, CAAT is much more than just a “diet”; it is an amino acid, carbohydrate, & glucose REDUCTION protocol which strategically uses the chemical reactions of amino acids, foods, and nutritional supplements to impair the development of cancer cells, thus starving them to death.) Clinical trials have already been done with humans using amino acid depravation formulas, and with much success. (Journal American Medical Association. 1967; 200:211)

CAAT is a course of therapy to control a patient’s amino acid intake. This is achieved by taking certain foods out of a persons’ daily food plan for a short time and by replacing them with a scientifically supported formula of amino acids. It is also important to emphasize that the food plan that accompanies the amino acid formula needs to be followed so not to offset any of the benefits we are creating by depriving the cancer cells the nutrients they need to grow. Also, it is important to realize that the patient does not need to abandon their conventional cancer treatment, (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, hormone treatments) nor is it recommended that they do so unless it has already failed them. CAAT works synergistically with chemotherapy and/or radiation to enhance their benefits (see study by Dr. Marco Rabinowitz of the National Cancer Institute). His report on amino acid deprivation, such as with Controlled Amino Acid Therapy (CAAT), proven to inhibit phosphofructokinase which shuts down the energy supply to cancer cells, simultaneously enhancing the benefits of chemotherapy while lessening their toxic side effects. CAAT has also proven to work successfully alone.

Phase 1: CAAT Formulation

The most important component of CAAT is the scientifically formulated amino acids. Based on the specific formula for each cancer, it consists of separate amino acids, citric acid, and small amounts of sodium benzoate. Each formula replaces most of the regular daily proteins found in meats, dairy, fish, beans and nuts, which cancer cells can derive their energy from. The CAAT formula taken two times per day will nourish the healthy cells while causing the cancer cells to starve to death. Of course each individual has specific needs concerning their diet, and this is explained in the second phase of the protocol as well as with a specialist at the Institute when beginning the CAAT therapy.

Phase 2: Daily Food Intake

DISCLAIMER: The following food program SHOULD NOT be consumed without the amino acid formula and without consent from your doctor and our Institute.

*1/2 Grapefruit or 1-orange or 6-ounces of fresh orange juice.
Whey Enhanced Protein (Vanilla Flavor – Vitamin Shoppe Brand) approximately
10 – 12 grams of protein – read label carefully, based on 150 lb. person ].
A serving of Grits (Butter, cinnamon and other spices are okay).
1 cup of green or black tea (Fructose is sweetener of choice).
* Do Not have ½ grapefruit if taking Chemotherapy

Explanation: ½ Grapefruit or 1 orange or 6 ounces of fresh orange juice are rich in the natural nutrients called Limonene and Citric Acid. Limonene helps shut down the Ras cancer gene which is over-active in 90 percent of all cancers. Citric Acid helps shut down glycolosis which in turn helps starve cancer cells to death.

Whey Enhanced Protein (Vanilla Flavor – Vitamin Shoppe Brand) Phosphorus is a nutrient that cancer cells must utilize in order to grow and reproduce. This brand of whey protein is very low in phosphorous and contains no additional vitamins, so when using approximately 10 – 12 grams of protein per 150 lb. person, it helps to protect normal cells, maintain a normal appetite, and also helps to fight edema. (Edema is the swelling or water build up in the legs or other sites in the body)

Whey protein is included in the daily menu of all advanced or metastatic cancer patients. When treating cancers that are stable or have regressed in size, patients then have the option of including other protein foods at their breakfast meals such as cottage cheese, yogurt, or soy foods. Eggs are allowed in the diets of patients with lymphoma and brain cancers.

Grits or Cream of Wheat or 1 slice of white toast or ½ plain bagel or ½ English muffin (Butter is okay)

Grits or white rice is the preferred carbohydrate food at each meal. The other choices are options once the patient’s cancer is stable or reduced in size. Unrefined carbohydrates are included in the CAAT menu instead of whole grains to deprive cancer cells of a certain B-complex vitamin called Pyridoxine (Vitamin B-6). Cancer cells require this vitamin to manufacture certain amino acids that we keep away from through CAAT’s amino acid reduction formula and diet.
Grits is the preferred carbohydrate food at all meals instead of rice, corn, or pasta because it helps deplete Tryptophan in the body, which is essential for the growth and spreading of cancer cells.

1 cup of green or black tea, using fructose as the sweetener of choice. These teas are rich sources of several compounds that help shut down glycolosis and cut off the energy supply to cancer cells. Also, green or regular tea helps to prevent certain hormones and tumor growth factors from stimulating cancer cells to grow and metastasize to other parts of the body. Brassica teas can also be taken because they contain sulphorane, a nutrient that inhibits cancer growth, and also shuts down the cancer genes.
* Why we use fructose as the sweetener of choice will be explained in detail at the end of this phase of the CAAT protocol.


Amino acid formula (4 level plastic scoops) mixed with any of the following: Water & Fructose; Fresh lemonade & Fructose; Chicken or Beef broth; V8 juice.
Generous amounts of One cooked vegetable or a combination of the following: asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, brussell sprouts, spinach, squash, string beans.
One serving (1/2 cup)of fresh fruit. Choice of: pear, orange, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries.
1 serving (moderate) of grits or corn or rice or pasta (Add tomato sauce or butter)
1 tablespoon of coconut oil
8 to 10 black or green olives
2 tablespoons of vinegar (minimum of 5% acidity) add to vegetables or food
1 cup of green or black tea (Fructose as desired)


This Amino Acid Reduction Formula (4 level plastic scoops may vary) combined with the special diet, allows the CAAT Protocol to reduce certain amino acids in the daily diet of the cancer patient, and is designed to replace most of the animal protein in the diet. Cancer cells require the amino acids glycine, serine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid to synthesize DNA, build new blood vessels or duplicate its entire contents of proteins. Also, cancer cells require these and certain other amino acids in order to synthesize other proteins that act as growth promoting hormones or tumor growth factors. CAAT impairs the synthesis of a protein called elastin, which is absolutely essential to the manufacture of new blood vessels. The Amino Acid Reduction Formula, diet, certain phytochemicals and herbs work efficaciously to attack cancer cells at each and every biological front.

The generous amounts of one cooked vegetable or a combination of such helps keep normal cells healthy. They are low in carbohydrates and proteins, and high in phytochemicals, compounds which help fight cancer. Patients are allowed to eat these vegetables and salads whenever desired.

The 8 to 10 olives are rich in squalene and oleic acid, nutrients that have been reported to inhibit certain cancer growth factors. The calories in olives also help control body weight and increases ketones in the blood. Ketones help fight cancer by impairing glycolosis – a process in which cancer cells depend almost exclusively upon for their daily supply of energy. Vinegar (and fructose) are two natural products that increase the production of both ACETIC ACID and CITRIC ACID in the body.

Acetic acid and citric acid also help fight cancer by shutting down the process of glycolosis.
Normal cells derive most of their daily energy supply from acetic acid and citric acid, where as cancer cells derive most of their daily energy from glycolosis.


Amino acid formula (4 plastic level scoops) mixed with any of the following: Water & fructose; Fresh lemonade & Fructose; Chicken or Beef broth; V8 Juice.
Generous amounts of One cooked vegetable or a combination of the following: asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, spinach, squash, string beans.
One serving (1/2 cup) of stewed plums with fresh cream & fructose; use 4-ounces of orange juice if plums are not in season.
Avacado salad with lettuce, tomatoes, celery, onions, with lemon juice and coconut oil or olive oil.
2 tablespoons of vinegar (minimum of 5% acidity) add to vegetables or food.
1 serving of grits or corn or pasta or rice (Add garlic and butter or tomato sauce)
1 cup of green or black tea (Fructose as desired)

Mid Evening Snack: Ketogenic Cocktail – 2 ounces of fresh cream, ½ ounce each of both coconut & olive oil, 1 tablespoon of Fructose.
1 plum or 4 ounces of orange juice.

Explanation: Plums contain quinlic acid, which is converted into benzoic acid in the body and which in turn helps to deplete the availability of the amino acid Glycine (Glycine is essential to the synthesis of DNA for cancer cells) and the proteins that cancer cells require to build new blood vessels and their tumor growth factors. If underweight take two ounces of light cream and one ounce of olive oil/coconut oil as needed to maintain weight.

Optional Meal:

3 to 4 ounces of Veal, Fish of choice, Beef, Chicken breast, and 1-slice of white bread.

Consume this meal with a minimum of 3 hours before or after taking the amino acids.

Explanation: If the patient is 10 or more pounds underweight or if their albumin levels are below normal is when the optional meal is allowed. This meal should be eaten a minimum of 3 hours before or after taking the amino acids. CAAT provides sufficient protein to maintain the health of normal cells and adequate amounts of calories to maintain desired body weight. Any proteins taken in excess of amounts recommended in the diet will counter act the benefits of the CAAT protocol.

Special Diets: A special diet will be created for any cancer patient whose ability to consume food and liquids has placed them in a critical situation. When a patient is using a feeding apparatus, or they have become too weak or lethargic to eat and drink the daily minimum amount for survival, we will break up the total breakfast, lunch, and dinner over a period of every 2 hours during the entire day until the patient is capable of returning to a daily diet as outlined above.

Carbohydrate and glucose reduction in this diet: CAAT’S dietary menu provides approximately 20 percent of its calories in the form of carbohydrates. Calories need not be a focal point or counted daily. It is recommended that all patients combat their cancers by keeping their body weight at normal or slightly below normal levels. A patient’s desired body weight is regulated by their rate of metabolism, which in turn is regulated by their blood levels of thyroxine, cortisone, insulin, and the amounts of fats and oils in the diet. Studies with human cancer patients and laboratory animals show that reducing the calories of carbohydrates (glucose) in their daily diet by only 10 percent reduced the size of cancerous tumors. When carbohydrate (glucose) calories were reduced 40 percent, the cancers disappeared. It is recommended that those patients who are obese gradually and systematically lose their excess weight to increase the efficiency of the CAAT protocol. Those patients who are underweight shoudn’t gain weight unless they are more than 10 pounds below normal levels. When a patient is underweight due to anorexia or cachexia, such illnesses must be addressed before the CAAT protocol can begin.

Why we use Fructose and Vinegar to treat cancer:

Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg discovered more than 50 years ago that all cancer cells produce inordinate amount of lactic acid but he couldn’t explain why.

In 2001 our Institute published the first study to show that cancer cells produce excess amounts of lactic acid because they could not access the oxygen in compartments in the cells called the mitochondria. This provided evidence that cancer cells depend almost exclusively upon glycolosis or the metabolism of glucose as their major source of energy.

Dr. Spitz and Dr. Lee with other cancer researchers published studies showing that when cancer cells are deprived glucose, their energy supply is cut off which causes these cancer cells to commit suicide.

Therefore shutting down glycolosis would be one means of destroying cancer cells because energy can only be derived from glucose through the metabolic process called glycolosis.

Recently our Cancer Institute discovered that both acetic acid and citric acid could inhibit the activity of a key enzyme in glycolosis called phosphofructokinase, which in turn shuts down the process of glycolosis. Our cancer Institute is the first to introduce both fructose and vinegar as treatments for cancer because they either contain or produce acetic acid.

In conclusion, fructose and vinegar are added as supplements to the CAAT protocol because of their acetic acid properties that help shut down glycolosis, shutting off cancer cells energy supply and causing them to die off.

Phase 3: Nutritional Supplements

Nutritional supplements are based on each unique situation. For example, slow growing cancers produce low levels of toxic free radicals. Tumor cells that grow aggressively produce large amounts of toxic free radicals. The patient will be instructed whether or not to take anti-oxidants (in a nutritional supplement) and at what dosage, according to the levels of toxic free radicals produced in the cancerous cells.

An example of how nutritional supplements can help manipulate cancer cells involves vitamin B-6 (pyroxidine) There are four amino acids essential to the synthesis of DNA. However, those amino acids cannot be synthesized without a certain enzyme, which includes vitamin B-6 among other components. Any supplement containing vitamin B-6 SHOULD NOT be taken during the first 2 months of the CAAT protocol.

The patient will be instructed as to which nutritional supplements or phytochemicals should be purchased and at what dosage strength. Keep in mind that each supplement only complements the CAAT protocol. However, when they are combined they augment the therapeutic benefits of the aminoacid, carbohydrate, and glucose reduction diet.

Parsley: Contains ingredients that can help shut down certain enzymes called Epithelial Growth Factors, which stimulate the growth and spread of cancer. ( CAAT’S amino acid reduction diet works in the same manner )

Vitamin D: Helps activate in many kinds of cancers enzymes called Phosphotases, which literally shut down the activities of other enzymes called Kinases, which are essential to the growth and reproduction of cancer cells.

Green Tea Extract: Phytochemicals in tea help shut down glycolosis (cancer cell’s main supplier of energy) and thereby help to starve cancer cells to death. These effects help complement the effects of CAAT’S carbohydrate reduction.

Anti-Oxidants: The controversy as to whether or not to treat cancer with anti-oxidants is slowly resolving with the current understanding of how they affect the activity of genes and enzymes in cancer cells. The prevailing data shows that the benefits or lack of benefits depend upon the oxidative state the cancer cells are in. Anti-oxidants taken when the cells are in a very high oxidative state may prevent cancer cells from entering apoptosis ( apoptosis is when a cancer cell commits suicide) When oxidative stress in cancer cells is only slightly above normal, anti-oxidants are then expected to stop their growth and reproduction.

Blood Chemistry: Blood tests are usually taken every 6 to 8 weeks, depending upon the results of each test. Not only is it important to monitor the tumor markers but equally important to keep abreast of the overall health of normal tissues and organs. For example, it is important to learn of the health of the kidneys and liver, whether the body is producing sufficient red and white blood cells, etc. Low albumin levels most often indicate insufficient intake of proteins in the diet and this problem would have to be addressed. CAAT is designed to attack cancer but keep the normal cells and tissues functioning harmoniously.

Whey Protein: This protein food is recommended at the breakfast meal to help meet the daily needs of amino acids for the normal cells of the body, and to help keep albumin levels normal and to help prevent edema. We recommend Whey protein purchased from the Vitamin Shoppe because it is the only brand that we have seen with no phosphorous or additional vitamins added to it.

Grits: Grits are also recommended at the breakfast meal in place of whole grains because it is low in vitamin B-6. Cancer cells require B-6 to manufacture the amino acid Glycine, which is required for DNA synthesis. Grits, instead of whole grains, therefore helps prevent cancer cells from manufacturing DNA and building new blood vessels.

Calcium D-Glucurate: This phytochemical helps the body to retain a compound called Glucuronic acid. This is necessary to eliminate both estrogen and testosterone from the body. This is why Calcium D-Glucurate is added to the regiments of patients with breast & prostate cancers. Calcium D-Glucurate is not to be confused with calcium carbonate, which is nothing more than a calcium supplement.

D-Limonene: This phytochemical found mostly in citrus fruits blocks the process called Isoprenylation, which is necessary for tumor growth factors such as the RAS gene, Epithelial Growth factor, Tyrosine Kinase, and Insulin-Like-Growth-factor, to send their signals into the nucleus of a cancer cell and directs them to grow and divide into more cancer cells.

Tocotrienols: This member of the Vitamin E family also helps shut down Isoprenylation and assists D-Limonene in blocking the actions of the various tumor growth factors. More specifically, tocotrienols shut down an enzyme called HMG-2, that is essential to the synthesis of the building blocks that form the Isoprenylation process.

Niacin: This B-Complex vitamin works with D-limonene and the Tocotrienols to shut down the process of Isoprenylation, which as mentioned above prevents the cancer promoting RAS genes from sending signals into the nucleus of the cell. Niacin also helps deplete thee amino acid Glycine, which cancer cells need to synthesize DNA. And by reducing cholesterole in the body, Niacin helps lower the production of estrogen and testosterone.

Choline: This B-complex vitamin is included in our supplement list to help the liver metabolize Niacin and other compounds and to help fight fatigue that accompanies most forms of cancer.

Selenium: Numerous studies show that this mineral can interfere with the activity of certain genes that promote the growth of cancer and to induce cancer cells to commit suicide (apoptosis)

Perilla Oil: This oil is rich in Alpha Linolenic Acid which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in several ways. One way is to inhibit the synthesis in the body of a tumor growth promotin hormone called Prostaglandin-2, also, Alpha Linolenic Acid inhibits the actions of certain genes that promote the growth of cancer cells. Linolenic acid is not to be confused with linoleic acid, which is a bad fat that stimulates the growth of cancer cells. This bad fat, linoleic acid, is found in all vegetable oils and nuts (With the exception of coconut oil). Olive oil has the least amount of this bad fat.

Super Miraforte: This herb impairs the synthesis of estrogen from testosterone in the body and is included in the regiments of women with breast cancer.

Licorice Root Extract & Pantothenic Acid: This HERB and VITAMIN are added to the regiment when it is desirable to produce steroid like actions in the body. Used also to help patients gain weight and to inhibit the growth of Lymphomas and Leukemia’s.

Resveratrol: This phytochemical blocks the actions of a number of a number of cancer promoting genes thereby causing cancer cells to enter into apoptosis (cell death) and is included in the treatment of all cancers.

Indole-3 Carbinol & D.I.M.: These two phytochemicals block the actions of both estrogen and testosterone and are included in the regiments of both breast and prostate gland cancer.

Melatonin: Numerous studies show that this hormone blocks the synthesis of the cancer promoting chemicals in the body called Leukotrienes, and is included in the treatment of all cancers.

Artho Pro System: This combination of herbs and phytochemicals inhibits the synthesis of the cancer promoting hormone called Prostaglandin-2 and the Leukotriens and replaces the drug celebrex when liver problems are present. The Prostaglandin hormone is over active in most cancers and stimulates cancer growth. The body manufactures the Prostaglandin hormone from the bad fat, Linoleic acid, mentioned above.

CAAT is designed to attack cancer, while keeping normal cells and tissues functioning harmoniously.

Source:  A.P. John Institute for Cancer Research

New Research Shows How Brocolli Beats Cancer

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There’s an abundance of scientific evidence today to suggest that fruits and vegetables can aid in cancer prevention. In the last decade, researchers uncovered one compound in particular that’s a potent anti-cancer agent. Sulforaphane is most highly concentrated in broccoli, as well as in other cruciferous vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower. According to the American Institute of Cancer Research, animal studies to date have shown that sulforaphane can dramatically reduce the number of malignant tumors, reproduction, growth rate and size, as well as delay cancer onset. Some research findings suggest that sulforaphane might exert its anti-cancer effects by activating detoxifying proteins in the body known as ‘Phase 2 detoxifying enzymes’ [Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1997 Sep 16;94(19): 10367-10372]. The role of these special enzymes appears to be scavenging for cancer-causing molecules.

Now a new study adds to these positive reports about sulforaphane by proposing that the compound may additionally play a more direct role in cancer prevention by inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis [Cancer Res 2000 Mar 1;60(5):1426-1433]. After treating human colon cancer cells with sulforaphane, the researchers found a number of chemical and structural cellular changes that indicated cancer cells were being killed off by the compound. The study authors also go on to explain that broccoli contains a stable sulforaphane precursor (isothiocyanate), which causes broccoli to release its sulforaphane content when the vegetable is chewed or chopped.

Earlier research at Johns Hopkins University found that sulforaphane blocked the formation of mammary tumors in rodents treated with a potent carcinogen [Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1994;91:3147-3150]. Results showed that the number of rats that developed tumors was reduced by 60%, the number of tumors they developed dropped by 80%, and tumor size decreased by 75%. Other research by the American Health Foundation showed that sulforaphane inhibited the appearance of premalignant lesions of colon cancer in rats [Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2000;41:660]. And, almost a decade ago, scientists had found that sulforaphane boosted the activity of two detoxifying enzymes—quinone reductase and glutathione transferase—in experimental mice [Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1992 Mar 15;89(6):2399-2403]. As a result, scientists speculated that sulforaphane may regulate the metabolism of carcinogens, possibly by helping to neutralize harmful molecules and minimizing the oxidative damage that predisposes cells to cancerous growth. Now the latest research adds another piece to the puzzle that explains how sulforaphane goes about subduing cancerous growth and development.

Source:  Life Extension Magazine

In Praise of Spirulina

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I am writing to you from the Emerald Isle and so, quite appropriately, want to talk to you about a deep green supplement called spirulina. This concentrated food supplement is generally derived from Spirulina platensis, a form of blue-green algae that grows abundantly in water.

Among food supplements, spirulina stands out as an excellent dietary source of chlorophyll. This is because spirulina is an aquatic plant that does not require thick cell walls containing indigestible cellulose. Spirulina’s cell walls are made of a chemical called a muramic polysaccharide that is easier to digest, and its chlorophyll is therefore more readily bioavailable than in nonaquatic plants.

According to a recent scientific review from Latin America, spirulina has a vast array of beneficial properties. It has been shown to be effective in the treatment of allergies, anemia, cancer, high cholesterol, elevated blood sugar, viral infections, inflammatory conditions, liver damage, immunodeficiency, cardiovascular diseases, and other conditions. That is a tall order, to be sure, but one that is borne out by the scientific record.

In a 2002 Japanese study, 12 adult males were administered an oral hot water extract of spirulina, and the number and activity of their natural killer (NK) cells was measured before and after treatment. (NK cells destroy tumor cells by binding to them and delivering lethal chemicals that kill on contact.) At the study’s end, there was a significant increase in the production and cancer-killing ability of these subjects’ NK cells. When their NK cells were exposed to a bacterial product after treatment, production of interleukin-12 (IL-12), a measure of immune strength, was significantly increased in comparison to IL-12 production in NK cells without pre-exposure to spirulina.

The authors concluded that in humans spirulina acts directly and indirectly on NK cells. This study suggests that spirulina’s immune-enhancing effects are persistent, as heightened immunity continued to be seen up to five weeks after the subjects stopped receiving spirulina.

There have also been studies in India showing that spirulina reduces the number of tumors (called the “tumor burden”) in experimental animals with various types of cancer. In mice with chemically induced stomach cancer, the tumor burden was reduced to half that of the control animals using high-dose spirulina treatment (500 mg/kg body weight). In skin cancer, the tumor burden was reduced to less than one quarter, even with low-dose treatment (250 mg/kg body weight).

Spirulina also shows potential for decreasing the adverse effects of both chemotherapy and radiation. Scientists in China have shown that a spirulina extract increased the level of white cells in the blood and of nucleated cells and DNA in the bone marrow of mice that had been subjected to chemotherapy and radiation. In dogs, the spirulina extract additionally increased the level of red blood cells. The authors concluded that spirulina “has chemo-protective and radio-protective capability, and may be a potential adjunct to cancer therapy.”

Spirulina Reverses Precancerous Mouth Lesions

These recent findings follow human clinical studies from India showing that spirulina could be an effective treatment for a precancerous condition called oral leukoplakia. Leukoplakia is characterized by the formation of white patches in the mouth that do not rub off. These often progress to oral cancer. In other words, for the patient, it may be the harbinger of a very serious condition indeed.

In the 1990s a clinical study conducted among tobacco chewers in Kerala, India, demonstrated that spirulina could reverse oral leukoplakia in this population. Half of the patients received one gram per day of spirulina and the other half received a placebo. There was a complete regression of lesions in 20 of 44 patients (45%) receiving spirulina as opposed to 3 of 43 (7%) in the placebo arm. These results were highly significant.

Among those who had homogeneous lesions (usually considered less malignant than non-homogeneous lesions), results were even more pronounced, with a complete regression in 16 of 28 subjects (57%). One year after discontinuing the spirulina supplements, 55% continued to be free of these growths. To my knowledge, these promising results have never been adequately publicized or used.

How does this simple alga exercise such profound effects? Although biochemists tend to look for a single “magic bullet” that is responsible for the benefit, it is more likely that a number of factors are at work. There are a variety of micronutrients in spirulina, some of which function as antioxidants, and I would hardly be inclined to minimize their importance. However, I want to point to another possibility. Spirulina contains certain powerful photosensitizers called chlorins. These could interact with light in the red and infrared range to trigger a photodynamic effect, which could kill abnormal cells. It seems more than coincidental that the most prominent reports of benefit come from very sunny climes, such as Latin America and India.

The National Cancer Institute’s PDQ statement on oral cancer does not breathe a word about this simple and inexpensive way to prevent oral cancers. Instead, it heartily recommends surgery and radiation to treat the disease after it has been allowed to form. “For lesions of the oral cavity,” PDQ writes, “surgery must adequately encompass all of the gross as well as the presumed microscopic extent of the disease. . .With modern approaches, the surgeon can successfully ablate large posterior oral cavity tumors and with reconstructive methods can achieve satisfactory functional results.”

In other words, “successful” treatment is mutilating surgery followed by difficult reconstruction in order to achieve merely “satisfactory” results. How awful this is for the patient! In a sane world, wouldn’t we do everything in our power to prevent the formation of cancer, rather than simply allow it to happen and then attack it with highly destructive and costly techniques? But perhaps this is asking too much of a profession that is enamored of its own technical expertise.

Source:  Cancer Decisions: The Moss Report

Written by Tracey

October 14, 2008 at 3:35 am

Paw Paw & Cancer: From Discovery to Clinical Trials

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Mom, here is a YouTube video series about Paw Paw and cancer presented by Dr. Jerry McLaughlin – a professor from Perdue University. It’s a good series of videos. I’ve put them in order so you can just go down the list.

Paw Paw & Cancer: From Discovery to Clinical Trials – Part 1

Paw Paw & Cancer: From Discovery to Clinical Trials – Part 2

Paw Paw & Cancer: From Discovery to Clinical Trials – Part 3

Paw Paw & Cancer: From Discovery to Clinical Trials – Part 4

Paw Paw & Cancer: From Discovery to Clinical Trials – Part 5

Paw Paw & Cancer: From Discovery to Clinical Trials – Part 6

Paw Paw & Cancer: From Discovery to Clinical Trials – Part 7

Paw Paw & Cancer: From Discovery to Clinical Trials – Part 8

Paw Paw & Cancer: From Discovery to Clinical Trials – Part 9

Here’s a link to Dr. McLaughlin’s formulation of Paw Paw at Nature’s Sunshine:

Paw Paw Cell-Reg (120)

Written by Tracey

October 10, 2008 at 9:26 pm

Graviola: A Great Cancer Fighter

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What Is Graviola?

Graviola is a powerful tree that grows deep within the Amazon rain forest in South America and throughout the Caribbean. Graviola various parts, including the leaves, roots, fruit, fruit seeds, and bark, have been used for centuries by medicine men and women and natives of South America to treat asthma, liver problems, arthritis and heart disease. Different properties and uses are attributed to the different parts of the tree. Generally, the graviola fruit and graviola fruit juice are taken for worms and parasites, to cool fevers, to increase mother’s milk after childbirth, and as an astringent for diarrhea and dysentery. The crushed seeds are used against internal and external parasites, head lice, and worms. The bark, leaves, and roots are considered sedative, antispasmodic, hypertensive, and nervine, and a tea is made for various disorders toward those effects.

Nearly 25 years ago it was discovered that the leaf of the graviola tree contained natural compounds having exceptional cytotoxic activity. In other words, they had a very strong ability to prevent abnormal cellular division. In that sense, Graviola supplements is considered a unique product for immune support, assisting the immune system in cleaning abnormal tissue growth. The plant has been used for centuries by medicine men in South America to treat a number of ailments, including hypertension, influenza, rashes, neuralgia, arthritis, rheumatism, high blood pressure, diarrhea, nausea, dyspepsia, ulcers, ringworm, scurvy, malaria, dysentery, palpitations, nervousness, insomnia, fever, boils and muscle spasms. According to recent research it also protects the immune system, boosts energy and may have strong anti-cancerous properties. Producers claim it is stronger at killing colon cancer cells than common chemotherapeutic drugs and that it hunts down and destroys prostate, lung, breast, colon, and pancreatic cancers, while leaving healthy cells alone.

Forms of Graviola

Graviola Extract : Graviola extract, consumed orally or applied to the skin, is believed to alleviate muscle and joint pain. Graviola extract is available in liquid or tincture. Graviola tincture is better than a raw herb product because the graviola tincture is already separated and thus the various essential elements of the plant are more easily ingested into the body. Not only does this mean that a graviola tincture works faster, but also that the body does not have to expend additional energy to break down the herb for digestion of its therapeutic properties. This greater bioavailability means that a spagyric remedy is both more efficient and more effective than a typical herbal product.

Graviola Tea: Graviola herb tea, made from the leaves, bark and root is believed to work as a sedative and help maintain healthy glucose levels. Graviola tea is consumed daily to elevate mood and increase quality of life. Graviola tea taken orally or applied on the skin is also used as an insect repellent.

Graviola Leaves:
In Brazil, Indigenous people crush Graviola leaves and blend the oozing oil from the leaves with the Graviola fruit. This preparation is used topically for the alleviation of muscle and joint pain.

Graviola Fruit: Graviola fruit is eaten regularly throughout South America as a delicious and refreshing fruit during a hot summer day. Many of the indigenous applications of Graviola have been substantiated by science, and further exceptional properties have been discovered.

Benefits And Uses Of Graviola


  • Maintain intestinal environment

  • Maintain the body’s defense system

  • Purify the body of toxins

  • Support the body in healing itself

  • Enhance immune and circulatory systems

  • Support for lymphatic system

  • Elevate mood and increase quality of alife

  • Alleviate muscle and joint pain.

Graviola supplements has been shown to have an effect on cancer cells which can be of great benefit to someone who is fighting cancer. Graviola is considered an important ally in the combat of more than twelve types of cancer, like lung, breast, prostate, among others. In vitro studies, conducted in more than twenty laboratories, show that graviola can provide a ten thousand times better improvement than treatment with chemotherapy. Scientists are proving its real efficiency in combating cancer. In the majority of cases, natural plant treatments give our life-force the necessary vitality for recovery, and in addition improves the perspective life of the sick person. Using extracts of this powerful tree, a full and natural therapy can be possible without the severe side-effects from the chemotherapy, e.g., nausea and loss of hair.

Source:  Search Warp

Written by Tracey

October 10, 2008 at 3:10 pm

The Benefits of Curcumin

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Below are a series of videos I found on YouTube regarding Curcumin (a chemical found in the spice, Turmeric). It has shown wonderful healing benefits for arthritis for a long time, but researchers are now finding it works well on cancer too. In fact, there isn’t a type of cancer that hasn’t responded to curcumin when combined with bioperine (a compound in simple black pepper). I guess the bioperine in black pepper aids significantly in the absorption of the curcumin. However, you’ll want to ask your doctor if it’s okay to take it because the bioperine will cause anything else you’re taking to have increased absorption, as well.

Love ya,


Written by Tracey

September 30, 2008 at 3:33 am

A Report on Curcumin’s Anti-Cancer Effects

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Ground Tumeric Root

Ground Turmeric Root

Imagine a natural substance so smart it can tell the difference between a cancer cell and a normal cell; so powerful it can stop chemicals in their tracks; and so strong it can enable DNA to walk away from lethal doses of radiation virtually unscathed. Curcumin has powers against cancer so beneficial that drug companies are rushing to make drug versions. Curcumin is all this and more.

Curcuma longa is a ginger-like plant that grows in tropical regions. The roots contain a bright yellow substance (turmeric) that contains curcumin and other curcuminoids. Turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for centuries. But it’s only within the past few years that the extraordinary actions of curcumin against cancer have been scientifically documented. Among its many benefits, curcumin has at least a dozen separate ways of interfering with cancer.

Curcumin Blocks Estogen Mimicking Chemicals

One of the things that sets curcumin apart from most other anti-cancer supplements (I3C being an exception), is that this phenolic can actually block chemicals from getting inside cells. Importantly, curcumin can interfere with pesticides that mimic estrogen. These include DDT and dioxin, two extremely toxic chemicals that contaminate America’s water and food. (Dioxin is so toxic that a few ounces of it could wipe out the entire population of New York City). Curcumin has the unique ability to fit through a cellular doorway known as the aryl hydrocarbon receptor. This is a feat it shares with estrogen and estrogen-mimicking chemicals. Because it can compete for the same doorway, curcumin has the power to block access to the cell and protect against estrogen mimickers.

Like estrogen, estrogen-mimicking chemicals promote the growth of breast cancer. In a study on human breast cancer cells, curcumin reversed growth caused by 17b-estradiol by 98%. DDT’s growth-enhancing effects on breast cancer were blocked about 75% by curcumin.

Two other estrogen mimickers were tested for their ability to enhance breast cancer. Chlordane and endosulfane together make breast cancer cells grow about as much as17b-estradiol. Curcumin can reverse that growth about 90%. Adding the soy phytochemical, genistein, causes a 100% growth arrest.

Curcumin’s ability to block other chemicals have been documented. It has been tested against paraquat (weed killer), nitrosamines (in cooked meat and “lunch” meats) and carbon tetrachloride (a solvent in varnish and other products). In all cases, curcumin is able to block the chemical’s effect. The beneficial effects are evident in a study where mice were treated with diethylnitrosamine. All mice treated with this chemical would usually develop liver cancer. However, when treated with curcumin, the percentage of animals developing cancer went from 100% to 38%, and the number of tumors dropped by 81%.

Drug companies rush to make synthetic versions

One of the hottest areas of oncology drug development is in the area of kinase inhibitors. Kinases are the equivalent of phone lines into cancer cells. There are over 2000 known protein kinases, or phone lines. These lines run from the outside of a cell into the DNA command center. They carry messages. Cut these lines, and you can effectively stop the growth of some types of cancer cells.

Curcumin effectively blocks some of the lines. In cells treated with curcumin, certain “grow” signals are blocked from reaching the cell.

The most well-studied growth factor blocked by curcumin is nuclear factor-k B. NF-kB is activated by chemical messengers known as cytokines. Cytokines help the immune system, but they also activate signals that tell cells to multiply, grow. By interfering with those signals, curcumin effectively stops the growth of cancer cells by kinase pathways. It has been demonstrated, for example, that curcumin can prevent the bug that causes ulcers (Helicobacter pylori) from causing cancer. H. pylori increases levels of a cytokine (IL-8) that activates NF-kB. Curcumin blocks the process.

Drug companies are rushing to patent chemicals that do what curcumin does-inhibit kinases. AstraZeneca has gotten one off the ground called “Iressa”. Iressa inhibits protein kinase C (PKC), a kinase that plays a significant role in cancer. PKC transmits signals from the “epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor.” Cutting off signal transmission through EGF significantly slows the growth of any cancer that uses this factor to grow-glioma, breast, prostate, skin and lung cancers.

Curcumin has long been known for its ability to prevent skin cancer. In 1993, researchers in Taiwan reported that curcumin inhibits PKC. The next year it was reported that curcumin blocks EGF signals up to 90% and stops growth.

It turns out that the structure of curcumin enables it to inhibit multiple kinases. This ability is shared with other phytochemicals including silymarin, apigenin and hypericin. While drug companies rush to try to recreate safe, patentable, chemical versions of this structure, curcumin sits ready and available for use. Blocking kinases, however, is only one of curcumin’s anti-cancer effects.

Inflammation: Curcumin suppresses LOX and COX

Squamous cell carcinoma can affect the bronchial tubes, mouth or skin. When researchers at the University of Missouri treated oral squamous cell carcinoma cells with curcumin, it caused significant growth inhibition.

Curcumin is also notably effective against colon cancer. Inflammation appears to play a significant role in promoting this type of cancer. Curcumin has long been known for its anti-inflammatory action. More recently, it has been shown that curcumin inhibits cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase (LOX), two enzymes that promote inflammation. Inflammation is in the limelight these days because of the discovery that people who take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including aspirin, have stunning protection against colon cancer. Inflammation, it turns out, plays significant and diverse roles in the initiation and promotion of cancer. Oxidative stress helps activate PKC, for example. Part of curcumin’s ability to block PKC signals is due to its powerful antioxidant activity.

Curcumin possesses several other anti-cancer benefits that make it useful for cancer prevention. One of its most recognized features is its antioxidant action. Turmeric is a spice that contains curcumin. It has traditionally been used as a food preservative for a good reason: it keeps food from going rancid-oxidizing. And just as it keeps oxygen from turning meat rancid, it protects our own bodies from damaging free radicals. Free radicals promote cancer by damaging DNA and activating genes.

Radiation damages DNA partially through free radicals. In a recent study, it was demonstrated that under laboratory conditions, curcumin could protect bacteria from a lethal dose of radiation almost perfectly. Bacterial DNA emerged virtually intact.

Curcumin kills cancer cells

Curcumin can stop cancer in its earliest stages, long before it’s detectable. It works at the level of the cell. One of the things it does is to tell damaged cells to self-destruct so they won’t keep multiplying. The process is called “apoptosis” and it’s the body’s way of destroying abnormal cells that can become cancerous. Cancer cells can circumvent the process, but curcumin can override them and send “self-destruct” signals to many different types of cancer cells. Curcumin does not induce apoptosis of healthy cells, only cancerous ones. It identifies cancer cells by their abnormal chemistry. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work in all types of cancer, but Indian researchers may have figured out why. Their findings, published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, may lead to ways of making most types of cancer susceptible to curcumin’s effects.

Before apoptosis is induced, curcumin stops cancer cells from multiplying. In cancer research, this is known as “interrupting the cell cycle.” The cell cycle can be interrupted at several different points. This is the rationale behind using various chemotherapy treatments in one person. One drug stops the cells when they are in one stage of growth; another stops them at another stage. Using a variety of drugs that stop growth at different stages increases the chances of killing all the cancer cells. Curcumin arrests the growth of cancer cells in the G2 stage.

Other phytochemicals stop the cell cycle at other stages. Genistein, a soy phytochemical, arrests growth at G2, like curcumin. But epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) from green tea, arrests cancer cell growth at the G1 phase. Combining EGCG with curcumin increases the odds of killing more cells. Researchers at Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center have suggested that EGCG and curcumin be used together for cancer prevention.

Curcumin enhances immunity

Curcumin can also help the body fight off cancer should some cells escape apoptosis. When researchers looked at the lining of the intestine after ingestion of curcumin, they found that CD4+ T-helper and B type immune cells were greater in number. In addition to this localized immune stimulation, curcumin also enhances immunity in general. Researchers in India have documented increased antibodies and more immune action in mice given curcumin.

Curcumin stops angiogenesis

All of the above actions of curcumin stop cancer before it has a chance to become detectable. If cancer grows to the point that it is a detectable tumor, curcumin can still have an effect.

Certain enzymes enable tumors to create a blood supply for themselves. Known as “angiogenesis,” this phenomenon allows tumors to invade surrounding tissue and spread. Working with blood vessels of the eye (where angiogenesis creates big problems for vision), researchers at Tufts University were able to inhibit blood vessel formation by using curcuminoids. Curcumin blocks AP-1, which enhances angiogenesis.

Curcumin may also inhibit angiogenesis by chelating metals used by enzymes that promote the growth of blood vessels. Some of the enzymes that promote angiogenesis are known as “metalloproteinases.” Metalloproteinases require metals to work. Curcumin chelates iron and probably copper-both of which help metalloproteinases create new blood vessels for tumors. In a study on a highly invasive form of human liver cancer, curcumin inhibited metastasis 70% by suppressing metalloproteinase-9. Curcumin appears to be very protective against liver cancer. In a more recent study, the incidence of liver cancer was slashed 62%, with the number of tumors decreasing by 81% in mice given curcumin four days before a carcinogenic chemical.

The cancer preventive effects of curcumin are powerful and proven. Curcumin interferes with the ability of estrogen-mimicking and other chemicals to do damage (a trait it shares with I3C). It is a powerful antioxidant that can alter gene expression, stop the cell cycle, and induce the self-destruction of cancer cells without affecting healthy ones. By blocking signals known as kinases, curcumin interrupts signals that enable cancer cells to grow. In addition, curcumin enhances immunity and blocks the invasion and metastases of tumors. Curcumin significantly reduces the risk of cancer after chemical exposure, and appears especially beneficial against colon and liver cancers. The actions of curcumin have been the subject of presentations at major meetings on cancer research, and the object of study by researchers at the most prestigious universities in the world. If curcumin were a drug, it would be hailed as one of the best all-around cancer drugs ever invented. As it is, it’s a phytochemical with impeccable credentials, thousands of years of use behind it, and a very small price tag. No wonder a host of drug companies want to imitate it.

Note: There is still not a scientific consensus on how those with active cancer may best take advantage of the multiple potential benefits of curcumin. Most cancer patients have been taking 1800 to 3600 mg a day of curcumin. Life Extension has recommended that curcumin not be combined with the chemotherapy drug Camptosar (irinotecan) because of one animal study that indicated a possible adverse effect. Since curcumin has not been adequately tested with other chemotherapy drugs, it might be safe to wait until chemotherapy is completed before initiating curcumin. Cancer patients using curcumin may want to avoid high doses of “thiol” nutrients such as cysteine, lipoic acid, SAMe and glutathione because these nutrients might interfere with curcumin’s PKC inhibiting effects in actively growing cancer. Since thiol compounds are critically important anti-aging nutrients, cancer patients may consider avoiding or reducing thiol nutrients for a three to six month period while consuming high doses of curcumin (along with soy, green tea extracts, I3C and other nutrients that have shown specific anti-cancer effects). A comprehensive report on suggested nutrient dosing schedules for cancer patients will be published in a future edition of this magazine.

Source:  Life Extension Magazine


Written by Tracey

September 30, 2008 at 2:55 am

Curcumin & Bioperine: Cancer Treatment and Prevention

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Turmeric Spice

Turmeric Spice


Is there a curcumin cancer cure? Could curcumin prevent cancer? Is there a role for curcumin and turmeric in cancer control?

Curcumin, the pigment that makes the curry spice turmeric a bright orange-yellow, is one of the best-researched potential preventatives for a number of kinds of cancer.

Turmeric is a member of the ginger family.

On a molecular level, curcumin interacts with an extraordinary range of cellular processes involved in cancer. Curcumin:

  • Stops the activation of some”transcription factors” that lay down the DNA for a new cancer cell,
  • Acts in the same as other anti-inflammatory agents in stopping the expression of growth factors in existing cancer cells,
  • And (in almost all kinds of cancer) activates a “watchdog” gene, p53, that deactivates cells that have become cancerous.

Curcumin is non-toxic even if it is taken in doses 30-40 times more than needed for it to work, up to 12 grams (12,000 mg) a day. The body uses curcumin in various antioxidant processes that it does not build up in the bloodstream in most people even when taken in doses of 10,000 to 12,000 mg a day.

And there’s no reason to try to build up a bloodstream concentration of curcumin if you get just a little more than once a day. The liver clears curcumin out of circulation in 8 to 12 hours.

What is the evidence that curcumin might prevent cancer? Well, aside from the over-100 studies of curcumin in the laboratory, curcumin has been used in clinical trials.

In a study of 62 patients who had various skin cancers and pre-cancers (actinic keratosis, basal cell carcinoma that had not infiltrated below the skin, and external genital warts), researchers found that a curcumin ointment applied to the skin brought lasting relief from the itching, burning, and ache associated with the cancer and stopped cancer growth.

Curcumin stopped skin itching in all the patients, “dried up” oozing lesions in 70 per cent of cases, and actually reduced the size of the cancer in 10 per cent of patients. Only one patient had any adverse reaction to curcumin, an allergy. The ointment consisted of 1 per cent curcumin in a cream base.

Curcumin has also been treated in other pre-cancerous conditions, including:

  • Bladder cancer,
  • Bowen’s disease of the skin (squamous cell carcinoma),
  • Leukoplakia (white patches inside the mouth found in smokers),
  • Intestinal metaplasia of the stomach (a kind of pre-cancer of the stomach caused by Helicobacter pylori infection and associated with peptic ulcer disease).

In 10 out of 12 cases in this very small trial, pre-cancer patients who used up to 12,000 mg of curcumin a day did not go on to develop cancer. Moreover, in one patient with bladder cancer, two with leukoplakia, one with a cervical tumor, and two with squamous cell carcinoma, the pre-cancerous lesions actually shrank.

Curcumin (in a dosage of 3,600 mg per day) may be beneficial to people who have advanced drug-resistant colorectal cancer. Scientists at least know that curcumin concentrates in the cancer tissues of the colon and that some markers of cancer activity drop significantly after the patient takes curcumin for four months.

Finally, in otherwise untreatable advanced pancreatic cancer, a daily dose of 8,000 mg of curcumin has been tried for up to two months. Two months, as you may know, is a very long time to be treating advanced pancreatic cancer.

That’s what science knows about curcumin and cancer in humans. Dozens of other studies are in the works, however, for treatment of esophageal cancers, stomach cancers, liver cancer, lung cancers, lymphoma, and breast cancer. And doctors are following up on an intriguing observation that women who live in countries where turmeric-based (and curcumin-loaded) curries are part of the daily diet have very low rates of breast cancer.

Curcumin does not interfere with any other therapy you should continue if you have or if your doctor believes you may develop cancer. Its side effects are very rare, and it’s cheap. There’s no way to prove that curcumin could prevent cancer for you, but it should rank very high on your list of natural preventive measures that may help keep you healthy.


If you buy a curcumin supplement in North America, chances are it will be formulated with an additive called bioperine.

This well-publicized addition to nutritional supplements is a chemical extract from black pepper. Ayurvedic medicine adds black pepper to countless herbal formulas not for any particular benefit in itself, but to help the body absorb the active principles of other herbs. This black pepper chemical concentrates the ability of “black pepper” to concentrate the absorption of other plant chemicals. The makers of hundreds of different supplements include this chemical to help the body absorb one active ingredient or another from a standardized herbal or natural product.

Bioperine makes curcumin better absorbed, too. A clinical trial sponsored by the Sabinsa Corporation (which manufactures the ingredient for nutritional product makers around the world) found that adding their ingredient to curcumin in supplements:


  • Increases the maximum bloodstream concentration by almost 50 per cent,
  • Increases the half-life (time for half the supplement in circulation to be broken down by the liver) by almost 50 per cent, but more importantly,
  • Provides nearly 20 times as much of the active ingredient to cells before the curcumin is removed from the bloodstream by normal hepatic processes.


Studies at Sabinsa found similar effects when the reagent was combined with selenium, vitamin B6, beta-carotene, or vitamin C.

That’s the good side of bioperine. There’s one consideration for users of supplements that include this compound. It does increase absorption of nutrients, but there are also a few prescription medications that it can also make more bioavailable:


  • Phenytoin (Dilantin) for seizure disorders,
  • Propanolol (Inderal) for high blood pressure and muscle control, and
  • Theophylline (Theo-Dur) for asthma.


If you take any of these medications, be aware that bioperine makes them absorbed more completely and eliminated more quickly. It will increase their effects, both good and bad.

Source:  Savvy Natural Healer


Written by Tracey

September 30, 2008 at 2:31 am