The Starfish Project

The combined effort of our whole family.

How You Can Participate

with 5 comments

Happy Starfish!

Happy Starfish!

This blog was designed for all of Mom’s family and friends to have a place we can all go to find out about Mom’s progress, to send her encouraging notes, etc.  The purpose was for it to be very interactive.

So, if you would like to contribute to the blog, simply find a post that interests you and then click on the word “comment” at the top of the post.  That will open up another area where you can enter your comments.

I will create a weekly “Words of Encouragement” post where any of Mom’s family and friends can leave her encouraging comments (that don’t necessarily relate to a specific post).  So, look for the “Words of Encouragement” posts each week to add your comments.

There is a lot of information on this blog, and it’s not always easy to navigate through it all.  If you’re interested in information about specific alternative cancer treatments, then simply click on the link on the right for the treatment you’re interested in.  However, if you’re interested in following my Mom’s progress with her treatment plan, click on the link to the right that says “Updates on Mom.”  That will bring up a chronological list of all my posts about Mom’s progress.

She has used all alternative and natural therapies to treat the cancer except for the Gamma Knife procedure she had on February 3, 2009.  There is a blog post dedicated to that procedure under the “Gamma Knife” link on the right side of the page.

If you have any ideas about ways to improve the blog, send me an email with your suggestions.  I want this to be as helpful to Mom as possible, so all ideas are welcome.

Thank you in advance for all your encouraging words to my Mom.  I know it means a lot to her that you care.

Kind regards,


Written by Tracey

September 2, 2008 at 6:12 am

5 Responses

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  1. Hi Julie and Keith,
    We want you to know that we are happy you are doing so much better. We started to share you blog site with other people we know will be greatly benefited by it. We pray this challenging stage in your life will soon pass.
    May we share our convictions with you, that we know God is a real being that He lives and that His Son Jesus is the Christ. We know our Heavenly Father loves each and everyone of us and that there is a divine purpose for our existence and the challenges we face in our lives. Never lose faith and continue to have an open heart and mind to follow God’s will.
    Sincerly with love,

    The Cordon’s

    The Cordons

    December 17, 2008 at 10:35 am

  2. I Julia,
    We’re glad you found help with your symptoms. Dr. Kumer is also Ardeena’s Neurosurgeon for her benign tumor. He is an impressive doctor! We miss seeing you at your former NMD’s office.
    FYI, my tumors have shrunk and are necrotic in the centers. We are treating them as cancer but they can’t safely get a biopsy because of my extensive fibrosis. It would be too dangerous.
    Please be advised that we are praying for you and Keith and we thank Tracey for keeping information up to date. This site is very helpful.

    Dave & Ardeena Gillette

    Dave & Ardeena

    December 31, 2008 at 4:27 pm

  3. Oh, Dave and Ardy, it’s soooo good to hear from you. Thank you. You two are also in Keith and my prayers and we made one of those connections.
    We love you guys,
    Julia and Keith


    January 1, 2009 at 6:05 pm

  4. Tracey,

    Thanks for the update — I was so worried when I didn’t see anything on Tues night – but I know how busy you have been. Tell your Mom that we’re still praying for her healing to be completed so she can continue with a normal life.

    Our love to all



    February 5, 2009 at 7:41 am

  5. I was told by a stranger about 714X and I thought that the gentleman was nuttier than a Fruitloop. Just to please him and appease my curious craving I decided to see if 714X was a real Cancer Serum. I’m fascinated by what I’ve read about it and I’m shocked about what I’ve learned. Thanks for the piece of knowledge which I obtained from your website Starfish. It’s too bad that I’ve learned about 714X so late in life. My mother died of Uterine Cancer and Alcoholism, and my father died of Metastatic Colon Cancer. I wish I’d heard of 714X years ago before they died from Cancer. Cancer is a genetic affliction in my family. If we do alright then we won’t and don’t worry about it until we’re into our 50’s and older. So far I’m more concerned with HIV/AIDS. I’m HIV+ and I’m having problems with the meds to treat it. Do you think that 714X, Essiac Tea or a vitamin supplement might help boost my immune system the same as it did for Billy Best? Drop me a line when you can. I’m eager to learn more about how 714X boosts the immune system and see if it might help me.

    Beatrice Bell

    February 11, 2009 at 10:21 am

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