The Starfish Project

The combined effort of our whole family.

Archive for the ‘Starfish’ Category

What’s With the Name of This Blog?

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Healthy Starfish Family

Healthy Starfish Family

I sat here this evening trying to figure out what to call this blog.  What would be meaningful for my family – especially my Mom.  The concept of how a starfish regenerates itself when it’s damaged or injured came to my mind.  Their powers of regeneration are amazing!  They can lose all of their arms except one and lose all of their center except 1/5 and they can still regenerate themselves and be whole again!  Amazing!

So, it was easy to make the next logical leap and use the word “starfish” in the blog name.

Next, I had to find something to go with “starfish” that expressed the purpose of the blog.  I finally decided that it’s a project we’re working on — all of us — to help Mom rejuvenate her body and be healed.  So, the “Starfish Project” was selected as the name for the blog.

I hope Mom and Dad (and anyone they invite) will come here and find encouraging information and stories about healing, therapies, nutrition, courage, and humor.

Written by Tracey

August 20, 2008 at 11:10 am

Posted in Starfish

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